I added a Raspberry Pi to my birthday/christmas wishlist last year, I didnt think my wife would buy it because I was sure she had no idea what it was… Well, she bought it, not because she knew what it was, she thought it was an upgrade for the PC, I suppose it does look like something that might slot into your motherboard.

My first thought was retro game machine, so I bought a few things online to get that going:

  1. SNES style controller
  2. Power supply with on/off toggle switch
  3. set of arcade style joysticks/buttons

That all sat in its box for about 9 months… as usual with these things I get hyper interested but then that energy kind of fizzles out by the time it comes time to actually do it.

I was watching a twitch stream a few weeks back, a guy called 1030, he streams all sorts but my favourite streams of his are when he’s working on his electronics projects, some of which involve a raspberry pi. This got me going again so I thought of an idea for a project and started buying a few components online.

That’s it for this post… I’ll write a new post up when I’ve got all the components together for what I want to make.